Four crypto-billionaires die within a month: conspiracy theories spread in the community

In the last two months of 2022, four crypto-billionaires were found mysteriously dead: the community speculates a FTX-related conspiracy.
“It seems that the cryptocurrency world is taking inspiration from the mafia.”
The death of four crypto-billionaires in a single month has caught the attention of the community. The deaths occurred under suspicious circumstances, and some of these individuals had even reported being in danger:
The death spiral began in October 2022, when Nikolai Mushegian, co-founder of MakerDAO, was found dead on a Puerto Rican beach just hours after tweeting that intelligence agencies were looking for him. On 22 November, billionaire broker Javier Biosca died in Estepona, Spain. At the time, Biosca was under investigation for the largest crypto fraud ever committed in Spain.
On 23 November, Tiantian Kullander, co-founder of Amber Group, died mysteriously in his sleep. Only two days later, Russian crypto-billionaire Vyacheslav Taran died in a helicopter crash.
On 30 December, there was also another incident related to the cryptocurrency sector: Park Mo – vice-president of Vidente, the largest shareholder of the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb – was found dead in front of his house.

These deaths in succession fuelled several conspiracy theories in the community. One user commented: “Looks like the cryptocurrency world is taking inspiration from the mafia.”
In a joking message, a senior user pointed the finger at central banks: “I definitely wouldn’t bet on the deaths being related to the hierarchy of central banks. It’s impossible, banks are very reliable. 100% impossible.”
On the other hand, there are those who questioned the veracity of the news, although four deaths in one month is definitely suspicious. On Reddit, some speculate that these individuals did not die at all: “I wonder how many of them just faked their own deaths.”
The crypto-community is often fascinated by conspiracy theories. Recall, for instance, the case of the late CEO of the exchange QuadrigaCX, who disappeared mysteriously during a visit to India.